Back in the day, Glass Tiger received literally thousands of gifts, many of which were stuffed toys. Although we appreciated them all, inevitably we had to give them up, and so we chose to donate them to various hospitals and childrens' charities. Every now and again however, we'd fall in love with one, case in point, this special bear. And so, he travelled with me for an entire tour.

Here we are in Los Angeles during the recording of my first solo album, HOLD ON. Oh I know we are not "working" at this precise moment ( since its around 5 am, the sun is coming up, and we are several bottles of champagne in) BUT we worked very hard and created one of the finest pieces of work I have ever been involved in.
John jones was my brilliant producer and co-writer, while Rich Gelles was my lawyer at the time and still a friend to this day.

Who gets to say that they know an Astronaut? Who gets to say that they have had a Astronaut in their home, having tea? Who gets to say that they have performed David Bowie's SPACE ODDITY with Canada's very own astronaut, Commander Chris Hadfield? Well............I DO!!!!

My brother-in-arms, Sam Reid and I,have been honoured and proud to go overseas to visit with and entertain, the men and woman of our beloved armed forces and our allies. I myself have been with them in such far off places as, Israel, Egypt, Alert ( North Pole), Bosnia, Kuwait, Oman, UAE, to name a few. I have also visited them four times in Afghanistan. This photo was taken when my friend, Peter MacKay, was acting Minister Of National Defence. Peter is now a private citizen and lawyer, living in Toronto and he remains one of my favourite, "Guinness Pals."

Jeff was not only a guitar virtuoso and genius, he was also one of the sweetest human beings I have ever met. Here we are together at a charity event that I co-partnered for seven years, called "Alan Frew and Friends" w An annual musical event, showcasing the absolute "creme de la creme" of Canadian talent of the day. Platinum Blonde, Randy Bachman,Barenaked Ladies, Alannah Myles and of course Jeff Healey, to name but a few.
Jeff's death rocked us just as hard, as he had "rocked" us in life.

Well this “Guy” needs no introduction but here goes. “Ladies & Gentlemen I give you, bonafide superstar, Bryan Adams. This is the two of us on the day that Bryan so graciously sang on “Don’t Forget Me ( when I’m gone ). Canadian music history in the making ️
We remain in touch to this day through our mutual love for Chelsea F.C. and Bryan was one of the first to drop me a wee line encouraging me to stay strong and fight back from my stroke. Oh, and did you know his middle name is indeed .....Guy? Yes? But do you know why he has that middle name?

From a songwriter’s perspective, one cannot mention Bryan Adams without immediately linking him to his longtime partner-in-crime, Jim Vallance.
As a songwriting team they have made an indelible mark on the world stage, not only writing many of the legendary hits for Bryan himself, but also for a who’s who of world-class performers.
Jim lent his amazing talent, not only in producing Glass Tiger’s first two albums, but also as a co-writer on numerous tracks such as, Don’t Forget Me (when I’m gone), Someday, Diamond Sun & Watching Worlds Crumble. I consider Jim one of the “dear ones” in my life.

My dear old dad, Hughie, or “Shuggie,” as they say in Scotland.
He was my father but also one of my great “pals” in life. We had brilliant times together, from my days as a child when he would put on “musicals” for the whole family gathered in our wee living room with us all jostling and fighting to be “cast” by him for a precious “role” in it with him.
Right up to the days when I, as a man, would head down to our favourite local pub, “The Grey Goat, play dominoes, or just to listen to him story-tell as he “held court” with those around him. This photograph is taken from the video shoot for I’M STILL SEARCHING, in which he “starred” lol
I said, “Hey dad, will you be in our video?” To which he replied,”What do I have to do son?”
“ Well, let’s see, you have to sit at a bar, for what will probably be hours, and you have to drink some whiskey and tell stories.”
To which he replied, “YES!” but then paused, thought about how he’d have to take the day off of work and followed up with such a statement of bravery, that all men come out with at one time or another.....” Ye’ better ask yer mother!”
Of course he did it, and when “I’m Still Searching” won the World Video Award for Canada, and we were all gathered in the pub, anxiously watching the countdown, he was not the slightest bit shy in telling everyone , “ It’s because I’m in it!”
I miss you terribly Shuggie ️

This is a shot taken in Monaco during the World Music Awards. Actress Marcia Gay Harden, fresh off of her Oscar win for Best Supporting Actress in Pollock. She was so kind to me.
I was hosting a show called, 'Road Stories with Alan Frew' which was really a simple little two-man production. We cornered everyone we could INCLUDING Prince Albert himself! lol
Marcia was so lovely, she could easily have said no and just dismissed us, but no, she was so gracious and gave us a full interview. Now THAT'S class! Thank you Marcia.

Yeah, it's a tough life guys but someone had to do it right? lol
Meet Tara Leigh Patrick, better known by her stage name, Carmen Electra.
This shot was taken in Monaco during a very "glitzy" evening hosted by Prince Albert of Monaco.

When I was a young lad, there are two female images that left an indelible mark on my memory banks, that to this day, STILL, make my heart go a-flutter.
One is of Raquel Welch, in her skimpy little 'animal skin' bikini in, 'One Million Years B.C;' while the other is, the stunning image of actress, Ursula Andress coming out of the ocean as 'Bond-Girl' Honey Ryder in the first James Bond film, 'Dr. No.'
I met miss Andress in Monaco, during The World Music Awards and she was a delight. A lot of diva, to deal with, but I would have been so disappointed if she had been anything other than that, lol.

Well now, let's see... I could write a short book on my times with this fella. Way too much for the limited space on here. Suffice to say that Sir Roderick David Stewart, is a 'lad.' He is one of the "downtown boys making all that noise." And we certainly lived like we just don't care!
I had some great times with him, and although I haven't seen him in quite a few years, I KNOW that if I did , we would simply pick up from where we left off, that is to say, with a drink in our hands and talking about , football, football, football ( soccer to lesser mortals lol). When I met him and hung with him, he wasn't as Celtic daft, as he is now, and of course with me being Rangers daft, it would make for some pretty interesting conversation over that drink. All joking aside, he is a lovely man and I look back on my times with him, warm in my heart and with a smile on my face.
Here I am presenting him with an award to commemorate his singing with me on My Town, from the Glass Tiger album,'Simple Mission.'

I have had the pleasure of knowing and or watching some brilliant footballers in my years. George Best, Pele, Maradona, Jim Baxter, and ranking right up there with the very best of them all, is this guy.
Paul John 'Gazza' Gascoigne. What a player! WHAT A CHARACTER!
Here we are together in the lounge at Ibrox Stadium after the game. He knew I was dear pals with two other phenomenal Glasgow Rangers players, Ian Durrant and Ally McCoist and of course he spent most of the time explaining to me how "Coisty and Durranty" would fight over who got to "clean his boots after the match." Lol.
"One Paul Gascoigne! There certainly is only ONE Paul Gascoigne!"